Robert Louis Stevenson - Bournemouth

Photographic negative and print, photo by Lloyd Osbourne, 1885. Beinecke Collection, Yale University. Source: Vincent Giroud, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Centenary Exhibition (1984), p. 13.

Photo by Alexander Dew-Smith, Cambridge, June 1885. Source: Robert Louis Stevenson: A Bookman Extra Number 1913 (1913), p. 93.

Charcoal portrait by John Singer Sargent, 1885. Beinecke Collection, Yale University. Source: Vincent Giroud, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Centenary Exhibition (1984), p. 19.

Source: Clayton Hamilton, On the Trail of Stevenson (Garden City, New York: Doubleday, Page and Company, 1916), p. 149.

Source: James D. Hart, ed., From Scotland to Silverado (1966), dustwrapper. Back cover description same as the as previous item (Henley-Matthews-Hamilton) crediting Berg Collection New York Public Library as present location. Says (incorrectly) that the photo, by an unknown photographer at Bournemouth, had been published before only in the 1923 edition of Hamilton's On the Trail of Stevenson.

Photo by Sir Percy Shelley. Source: Robert Louis Stevenson: A Bookman Extra Number 1913 (1913), p. 57.

Source: Una Taylor, Guests and Memories: Annals of a Seaside Villa (1924), facing p. 365. 'From a photograph by Sir Percy Shelley'.

'An appreciation of self - drawn by me from a mirror's reflection. Robert Louis Stevenson', pen-and-ink sketch. William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, Los Angeles. Source: Barry Menikoff, Robert Louis Stevenson and 'The Beach of Falesa': A Study in Victorian Publishing (1984), p. 99

Self-portrait, signed 'Yours most sincerely Robert Louis Stevenson', pen-and-ink sketch. Princeton University Library, XIII, 34. Source: Alexander Wainwright, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Catalogue (1971), illustrations.

Portrait in charcoal by J. W. Alexander, July 1886. Source: Century Magazine, April 1888, page 868. 'Engraved by J. H. E. Whitney, from a drawing by J. W. Alexander' and used as an illustration in Henry James's essay on RLS. RLS comments on Alexander's visit in a letter to his mother, 6 July 1886, remarking that Alexander has also done a 'splendid' sketch of Lloyd.

Photograph by William Hawker, Bournemouth. Source: Jenni Calder, The Robert Louis Stevenson Companion (1980), p. 80. Incorrectly captioned as taken after RLS's father's death. The mourning band is for RLS's uncle David, who died 17 July 1886.

Etching by William Strang, December 1886 - January 1887. Source: Robert Louis Stevenson: A Bookman Extra Number 1913 (1913), p. 96.

Portrait of Fanny Stevenson, Bournemouth, 1885. Beinecke Collection, Yale University. Source: Vincent Giroud, Robert Louis Stevenson: A Centenary Exhibition (1984), p. 15.